Roblox [🔥Personalities💤] Wild Horse Islands Update New Codes, and Patch Notes Released


Here is Wild Horse Islands popular RPG Roblox simulator game new Personalities Update has been released officially by Happy Acres Games developer. All those gamers who are eagerly waiting for the new updates to be released can now access the latest version of Wild Horse Islands directly from We have discussed the Whats new added in Wild Horse Islands Personalities Update , new codes, rewards, and an official patch note.

If you are a freebies lover then you differently like to watch a new Wild Horse Islands Codes ( January 2023) Free codes can give you Pair of Glasses , Bunny bow, Travel, and many Items rewards.

Game Name Wild Horse Islands! Roblox
New update date 26 January 2023
Latest version [🔥Personalities💤] Wild Horse Islands
Features added Personalities, New Codes, and more
Next update 2 leaks Available soon
Roblox promo code Click here
official website

Play Wild Horse Islands roblox game in now gg (Free on mobile browser)

Is there are any Wild Horse Islands new codes released on Personalities Update ?

No, Happy Acres Games the developer of this game has not released new code on this major update that will give many in-game rewards


Previous Update Active Codes

  1. TY-4-100M-VISITS – Free Pair of Glasses
  2. KOOLIE-PLUSH – Unicorn Plushie
  3. VAN-BUN-BUN-BOW – Pink Bunny Bow

Wild Horse Islands Personalities Update Patch Notes & Log

Horse Personalities

  • Horses now have personalities!
  • Horses obtained before this update have been given a personality, taking their friendliness stat into consideration
  • The available personalities & their respective features are:
  • Lazy
    — Will randomly change to a slower gait when you’re riding them – just change them back to the higher gait
    — Lays down in the wild, shops, pasture, & barn
    — Follows you and wanders around slowly
    — Begins following you at a much further distance
    — Wanders much less frequently
    — unique idle animation: Cat Stretch
  • Spooky
    — While riding these horses, pay attention to their Spook Meter next to their image at the top right of the screen. If it gets to the top, the horse will spook for 15 seconds and buck you off (They will not buck you off if you have the Fall Off Animation setting toggled off). You can see what is scaring the horse when you get close to it, it will outline in red.
    — If the horse is scared, a heart button will pop up on your screen, click it to soothe the horse and reduce their spook meter. If you soothe them while they are spooking, the horse will not buck you off when they calm down.
    — Unique idle animations: Nervous Look Around (left) + Nervous Look Around (right)
  • Sassy
    — Will frequently shake their head and buck when being ridden or running in the pasture/wild.
    — unique idle animation: Sassy Prance
  • Independent
    — Will not follow you unless you are leading them.
    — Will not let you pet them, sometimes.
    — Needs attention less frequently, and does not request the Pet or Food tasks.
    — Does not herd with other horses
  • Clingy
    — Follows you very closey and quickly
    — Will approach you and nicker if you enter their pasture or wild area
    — Needs attention more frequently and requests the Pet task a lot.
  • Grumpy
    — Will not let you pet them, sometimes.
    — Will threaten to, or actually kick players if they stand closely behind them for too long.
    — Will bite players if they stand closely in front of them for too long
    — Unique idle animation: Stomp
  • Energetic
    — Will randomly change to a faster gait when you’re riding them – just change them back to the lower gait.
    — Moves around a lot (frequent idle actions)
    — Follows you very quickly
    — Wanders around at a much higher speed
    — Wanders around frequently
    — Unique idle animation: Prance
  • Easy Going
    — No special features; they act exactly how horses acted before this update.
  • Personality Swap Potions
    — Feed to your horse to change to any personality that you’d like.
    — You can obtain the in Treasure Chests or buy purchasing them for Robux from Larry on Mainland
    — If you played before the update and meet certain criteria (which is almost all of you), you will also be given three of them for free, to use on your main 3 horses.
  • New Follower HUD Display
    — Shows an image of your follower’s head, gender, personality, and current task
    — The outline colour is determined by their personality
    — Click their image to open their stats
    — You can quickly access the tack, emotes, or pick them up with the buttons below it


  • With a halter or bridle equipped to your horse, interact with them and select “Lead” to lead them around, they will follow you very closely when being led.
  • Independent horses will not follow you unless you are leading them.


  • When enabled, your horse will automatically steer to avoid obstacles.
  • Your steering input will override automatic steering
  • This is disabled by default and can be enabled in Settings


  • The horse shop stall lights are always on now, so it doesn’t get too dark during cloudy days.
  • Optimized animals to reduce server lag
  • Reduced fog density when Snowing
  • Inventory sorting now uses a dropdown for easier selection
  • Increased max items per trade from 8 to 12
  • When your horse asks for attention, you can now also interact with them and click “Task” for a detailed explanation of how to take care of them
  • New “Shadow Softness” setting which adjusts how smooth shadows appear.
  • New “Minimap” setting which shows/hides the minimap. If you experience a lot of lag and don’t require the minimap, try disabling the minimap! You can still access the large map with the Map button up top.
  • Horses will herd with other horses when in the pasture. Independent horses do not herd.

New horse animation master list

  • Spooked (Spooky horses only upon being spooked)
  • Bite (Grumpy horses only when players are standing in front)
  • Angry Stomp (Grumpy horses only)
  • Kick Rear Left Leg (Grumpy horses only)
  • Threaten Kick Rear Left Leg (Grumpy horses only)
  • Cat Stretch (Lazy horses only)
  • Shake Head (Sassy & Grumpy horses only)
  • Forward/Back Adjust Idle (all horses)
  • Prance Idle (Energetic horses only)
  • Sassy Prance Idle (Sassy horses only)
  • Nervous Look Around (Left) + Nervous Look Around (Right) (Spooky horses only)

How to play Wild Horse Islands?

Click on the Play Now button to access the latest version of Wild Horse Islands Game.

❤️ Bond with your horse and train it to be the best on Wild Horse Islands.
🤝 Trade anything you’d like with your friends and compete with them in equestrian events.
⛏️ Collect materials to craft new tack for your horse and lassos to capture better horses.
❓ Complete quests to level up faster and unlock special items

Wild Horse Islands Roblox game Play now
Redeem codes Check now

Final words: The new update was released on 1/27/2023 (Friday). If you find any glitch or bug or Have any queries regarding new updates kindly let us know in below comment box.


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