Roblox [☄️COMETS] Pet Simulator X! 🐾 Update New Codes, Huge Pets & Rewards


Here is Pet Simulator X popular RPG Roblox simulator game new Comets Update was released Today officially by BIG Games Pets. All those gamers who are eagerly waiting for the new updates to be released can now access the latest version of Pet Simulator X directly from We have discussed the Whats new added in Pet Simulator X Comets Update , Huge pets, new codes, rewards, and an official patch note.

If you are a freebies lover then you differently like to watch a new Pet Simulator X March 2023 codes can give you Free Free Diamonds, Pets, Coins, Gems, Boosts, Huge cat, and many In-game rewards.


Game Name Pet Simulator X! Roblox
New update date 5 Mar 2023
Latest version [☄️COMETS] Pet Simulator X! 🐾
Features added New Pet Comets, secret area, Huge pets, egg, chest, Codes, and more
Next update leaks Available soon
Roblox promo code Click here
official website

Play Pet Simulator X roblox game in now gg (Free on mobile browwer)

Is there are any new codes released on Pet Simulator X Comet Update ?

No, BIG Games Pets the developer of this game not releaseanyd  new codes on this major update of the year that will give many in-game rewards and already giving free Huge Hell Rock pet and huge pets by opening eggs in the game.


[☄️COMETS] Pet Simulator X! 🐾 Update Patch Notes



Comet Update!





Comet Crashes

Comets are randomly raining down from the sky!


Massive comets contain the new Comet Egg!

If you happen to see one, make sure to tell your friends.

You will need their help breaking them to get to the center!


Mini comets may be damaged to earn rewards.

It’s up to you and your pets to damage them.

Help protect Pet Simulator X against the comets!



Comet Pets

New starry-eyed pets have been added!

2 new event pets: Comet Agony and Comet Cyclops

Plus, their HUGE counterparts: HUGE Comet Agony and HUGE Comet Cyclops

Only obtainable by participating in a comet event!



Comet Egg

If you happen to see a massive comet, invite your friends!

You’ll need all the help you can get to hatch the new Comet Egg.

This egg is located in the center of massive comets.

It may only be hatched a few times per comet, act quickly!



Recent Auction Price (RAP)

Not sure what a pet is worth? No worries!

The average of Recent Auction Prices (RAP) is now shown on pet descriptions.

This can be seen by hovering over any Huge or Titanic pets.

These prices update real-time to help make accurate trading decisions!



New Leaderboards

Leaderboards have been updated to show player’s total RAP value!

This is a more accurate way to see a player’s inventory value!

In addition, the top 3 leaders have statues that dance above the leaderboards.



Fan Art Added

Keep your eye out as we’ve added over 60 new art pieces to the game!

Featuring fanart from a total of 27 talented artists in our community.

We’re grateful for their awesome work and are thrilled to share it!

Thank you to all of the artists!




Dominus Exclusives

Introducing the new exclusive egg!

This egg features the Titanic Dominus Astra!

2 new HUGE pets – Huge Storm Dominus and Huge Inferno Dominus!

Don’t miss out on the chance to hatch these limited edition pets!








Auction Changes

Attention please! Some changes to the auctions are live.

– Exclusive Eggs may now be auctioned

– Added 5% tax to all auction sales

– Removed limitation on starting bid amount


Joining Friends

Joining friends is much easier now!

If your friend is on any server you will automatically join them.

This works for places such as Trading Plaza or Hardcore Mode, hooray!


Free “Thank You” Egg

The egg is given to all new players for being online for 5-10 minutes.

Hopefully this should let you catch up even quicker! Thanks for playing!


Fixed Bank Drag

Drag-to-delete was behaving strangely on the bank.

This was fixed up to make it smoother to use (or to not use).


Removed Merchant on Trading

Woops! The traveling merchant was forgotten with all the auction hype.

The merchant has been removed from the Trading Plaza. Bye!


Minor Changes

– Improved Some Mailboxes: Doodle & Pixel mailbox presents now match the world theme

– Fixed Coin UI: Fantasy coins now display in spawn world due to tech portal requiring them

– Removed Some Backgrounds: Backgrounds were hard to see on Huge & Titanics so they were removed

– Improved Sound Effects: Unselect sounds were missing on some machines like Huge Converter, Mailbox, and Comets

Comets UPDATE – Pet Simulator X Update Changes

How to Update Pet Simulator X Game to the new version?

To update the game to the latest version just click on the update link and re-open the game. Once the update will release globally players can able to access and explore new pet simulator features.

Pet Simulator X Roblox Anniversary [🧸Comets] Pet Simulator X! 🐾 Update Update Link
Redeem codes Check now

Final words: The new update will be released on 3/5/2023 (Sunday). If you find any glitch or bug or Have any queries regarding new updates kindly let us know in below comment box.


About pradeep sharma

I am Pradeep Sharma, Work at website as a content writer

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