- 1 UPPRB SI Police recruitment 2022-2023 Notification (यूपी पुलिस भर्ती)
- 2 Education Qualification (शैक्षणिक योग्यता )
- 3 Age Limit (आयु सीमा)
- 4 Physical Eligibility (कद-काठी संबंधी योग्यता )
- 5
- 6 Selection Procedure (कैसे होगा चयन )
- 7 CBT Exam Pattern & Syllabus in English & Hindi
- 8 Online Application fees (आवेदन फीस)
- 9 UPPBPB Official Notification, Syllabus, Apply online & Admit Card links
- 10 UP Police SI Recruitment 2022-23| Apply online
UP Police Recruitment 2022: Uttar Pradesh police successfully published an advertisement for filling the Daroga vacant post. The total number of available vacancies is 9534 for the Sub Inspector Posts, 484 for Platoon Commander, and 23 for Fire Service Second Officer. Interested candidates who are seeking this job can apply online but they should meet the minimum eligibility criteria which include education qualification, Physical test & age limit. Moreover, we will also share the complete study material (free & Paid books pdf), exam syllabus & pattern. So all candidates are requested to read the article carefully & apply for the post as per mentioned steps in this article.
UPPRPB या UPPBPB brings every year bumper vacancy of constable & SI post, this post vogue among the young generation. Last year Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board proposed the tender for SI (Droga ) posts which eventually increase to 9534 posts. UPPRB Hired a well-reputed and responsible company to complete the whole recruitment process such as filling online applications, creating more than 10000 questions, Publishing admit cards, Online exam Conduction, document verification, PET/PST, and generating the final selection list of UP Police Bharti 2022.
- UP Police SI Answer key and Result Link (238 PAC & SI Posts)
- UP Police SI Admit Card [Link]
- UP Police SI New Exam Pattern and Syllabus PDF
UPPRB SI Police recruitment 2022-2023 Notification (यूपी पुलिस भर्ती)
Event name | Dates |
Start date (आरंभ करने की तिथि) | April |
Last date (अंतिम तिथी) | June |
Exam Date (परीक्षा की तारीख) | 12 November 2021 to 2 December 2021 |
Exam date (परीक्षा की तारीख) | 4-12-2021,5-12-2021 |
Admit Card Released Date (कब आएगा) | 4 Days before the Exam date |
Exam result date (परीक्षा परिणाम दिनांक) | Update Soon (जल्द ही अपडेट होगा) |
PET/ PST | — |
Since the detailed notification is shared in the Hindi language so for good readability we are sharing this notification in both English & Hindi language.
Post Name (पद ) | Gender | vacancy (कुल पद) |
SI civil (दरोगा नागरिक पुलिस) | Male/Female | 9027 |
Platoon Commander (प्लाटून कमांडर पीएसी) | Male | 484 |
Fire Service Second Officer (अग्निशमन द्वितीय अधिकारी) | Male | 23 |
Note: (UR: 3613 post, EWS: 902, OBC: 2437, SC: 1895, ST: 180).
3613 पद अनारक्षित हैं। 902 पद ईडब्ल्यूएस, 2437 पद ओबीसी, 1895 एससी, 180 एसटी वर्ग के लिए आरक्षित हैं.
UP Police SI vacancy Category wise:
Sub Inspector (SI) Civil Police (Male/Female) | |
UR | 3613 |
EWS | 902 |
OBC | 2437 |
SC | 1895 |
ST | 180 |
Total | 9027 |
Platoon Commander PAC/Sub-Inspector Armed Police (Male) | |
UR | 194 |
EWS | 48 |
OBC | 131 |
SC | 101 |
ST | 10 |
Total | 484 |
Fire Service Second Officer (Male) | |
UR | 10 |
EWS | 2 |
OBC | 6 |
SC | 5 |
ST | 0 |
Total | 23 |
Education Qualification (शैक्षणिक योग्यता )
The candidates should be graduate in any stream from a recognized board.
नागरिक पुलिस and प्लाटून कमांडर पीएसी में एसआई पद के लिए - किसी भी विषय में ग्रेजुएशन अग्निशमन द्वितीय अधिकारी के लिए - साइंस साइड में ग्रेजुएट
Age Limit (आयु सीमा)
The age limit should be between 21st and 28 years or your born should not be before 1 July 1993 and not after 1 July 2000 date.
Note Uttar Pradesh aspirants SC. ST & OBC will get 5-5 years of age relaxation.
21 से 28 वर्ष। यानी अभ्यर्थी का जन्म 1 जुलाई 1993 से पहले व 1 जुलाई 2000 के बाद न हुआ। उत्तर प्रदेश के एससी, एसटी, ओबीसी वर्ग को आयु सीमा में 5-5 वर्ष की छूट दी जाएगी।
Physical Eligibility (कद-काठी संबंधी योग्यता )
After the Written exam, you should clear the physical eligibility test, but we recommended you check your height, chest, weight before applying for the SI post.
For Boys (पुरुषों के लिए)
Height (ऊंचाई ):
For the GEN/OBC/SC candidates who are applying for up police, their height must be at least 168 cm whereas, for ST candidates, the minimum height is 160cm.
सामान्य, ओबीसी व एससी वर्ग के लिए - कम से कम 168 सेमी एसटी वर्ग के लिए - 160 सेमी
Chest (सीना):
For the GEN/OBC/SC candidates who are applying for up police, their chest must be 79 without expansion & 84 with the expanded chest whereas, for ST candidates, the minimum chest must be 77 without expanded & 82 with the expanded chest.
सामान्य, ओबीसी व एससी वर्ग के लिए - बिना फुलाए 79 सेमी और फुलाकर 84 सेमी एसटी वर्ग के लिए - बिना फुलाए 77 सेमी और फुलाकर 82 सेमी ध्यान रहे कि कम से कम 5 सेमी सीने का फुलाव अनिवार्य है।
Running (शारीरिक दक्षता परीक्षा:
4.8 KM Running in 28 Minutes for all categories.
4.8 किमी की दौड़ 28 मिनट में पूरी करनी होगी।
For Girls (महिलाओं के लिए )
Height (ऊंचाई ):
For the GEN/OBC/SC candidates who are applying for up police, their height must be at least 152 cm whereas, for ST candidates, the minimum height is 147cm.
सामान्य, ओबीसी व एससी वर्ग के लिए कम से कम 152 सेमी and एसटी वर्ग के लिए 147 सेमी!
Weight (वजन)
The girl’s candidates should pose 40kg minimum weight.
महिला के लिए कम से कम 40 किलोग्राम
Running (शारीरिक दक्षता परीक्षा:
2.4 KM Running in 16 Minutes for all categories.
2.4 किमी की दौड़ 16 मिनट में पूरी करनी होगी।
Selection Procedure (कैसे होगा चयन )
The selection would be done on the basis of various stages. Candidates have to go through an online written exam, PST, PET, Final List, and Medical Exam. Only candidates who clear their previous stage would be eligible for appearing in the next stage.
लिखित परीक्षा और शारीरिक दक्षता परीक्षा।
CBT Exam Pattern & Syllabus in English & Hindi
This is a very important stage of the recruitment procedure, here candidates have to prepare and appear for the exam & must qualify the exam to appear for the PET & Medical test. The exam would be conducted online mode only. There would be 400 marks for 4 subjects. Each subject consists of 100 marks. The exam should be completed within a 2-hour time duration.
लिखित परीक्षा 400 अंकों की होगी जिसमें ऑब्जेक्टिव टाइप प्रश्न पूछे जाएंगे। दो घंटे की इस ऑनलाइन लिखित परीक्षा में चार अलग अलग विषयों का एक-एक प्रश्न पत्र होगा।
Subject (विषयों के नाम) | Marks (अंक) | Time (समय) |
General Hindi
सामान्य हिन्दी |
100 | 2 hours
दो घंटे |
GK/Constitution/Mool Vidhi
(मूलविधि/संविधान/सामान्य ज्ञान) |
100 | |
Numerical and Mental Ability
संख्यात्मक एवं मानसिक योग्यता परीक्षा |
100 | |
Mental Aptitude Test/Logical Exam
मानसिक अभिरुचि परीक्षा/बुद्धिलब्धि परीक्षा/तार्किक परीक्षा |
100 |
UP Police Syllabus & Qualifying Marks
Each subject you required to score a minimum of 35% marks & total of 4 subject you should score more than 50% marks
The candidates can check the syllabus of the exam through the link below:
If you want to download the complete Syllabus PDF then click here.
Online Application fees (आवेदन फीस)
For all candidates including all categories have to the paid sum of INR400 only, which should be paid through online mode only.
जनरल, ओबीसी, एससी, एसटी - 400 रुपये
UPPBPB Official Notification, Syllabus, Apply online & Admit Card links
Link name | Direct link |
Official Notification (आधिकारिक अधिसूचना) | Click here |
SI recruitment Tender Notification (निविदा अधिसूचना) | Click here |
Exam date Newspaper notification | Click here |
Categories forms (श्रेणियाँ आवेदन पत्र) | Click here |
Self-declaration forms (स्व-घोषणा पत्र) | Click here |
Apply online link (ऑनलाइन लिंक अप्लाई करें) | start from 1st April |
Admit Card Link | Click Here |
Syllabus PDF Link | Click Here |
Result PDF Link | Click Here (यहाँ देखे) |
UP Police SI Recruitment 2022-23| Apply online
Interested candidates have to apply through online mode only. The online application will be accepted from starting date to the ending date only on the website. Aspirants have to follow the following steps to apply online:-
- open apply the online link given above.
- Read team and conditions and procedure.
- Login or signup if you are new to
- Now Enter your personal details along with your supportive documents.
- Now submit your application forms & pay 400 rupees via debit/credit/UPI or net bank method.
- Now take the printout of the application forms & wait for the next notification.
- Bookmark our page to stay updated on the news of Uttar Pradesh police Bharti.
I am Police job join
Sir exam date kab se hai. Official notification 20oct se 14nov tak hone ke liye hai clier nahi ho raha hai kab tak hoga
Police constable pad ke liye
Sub inspector me salery kitni hoti hai. aur kya ye without posting nhi ho sakta special for girls??
Sir upsi (droga bhrti )kb aayegi
Me kr skta hu