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NTA NEET 2022 Entrance Exam will be cancelled or not? As many students are continuously searching for the latest news or update regarding NEET Exam re-conduct or not by a National testing agency. The Exam was officially conducted on 12, September 2021 around 202 cities across the country. Here we provide all information that you want to know and we do a complete analysis and share all major factors due to which maximum youth of India want NTA to re-conduct neet exam.
NEET 2022 Cancelled Latest news
The aspirants of neet exam send a petition to the supreme code regarding the cancellation of the neet exam and mentioned many major factors like a paper leak, other exam crashes, change in exam pattern and many things that may be a possible reason that NTA Will Re-conduct NEET Exam and release new Exam date officially. All the students demanding to re-exam of neet 2021-2022.
Also check: NEET UG Answer Key (Postponed)
On 4, October 2021: Supreme Court Dismisses Plea To Cancel NEET-UG 2021 Over Alleged Malpractices; Says “Lakhs Of Students Can’t Be Made To Suffer”.
On 1, October 2021 NTA Begins NEET Phase 2 Regsitration (Apply Now)
On Wednesday, A plea has been filed in the Supreme Court of India seeking cancellation of NEET UG 2021 examination conducted on September 12, 2021, and directions for conducting a fresh medical entrance examination.
On Monday: SC (Supreme court) slams Centre for ‘treating young doctors as football’ over last-minute syllabus changes
Students Demand #FairNeet Over Social Media
*Today A man from Nagpur has been arrested by the CBI and mentioned as the main accused in the NEET Scam case.
CBI sources said: Major scam in NEET Medical Exam, CBI Alerts big racket in the NEET Examination and booked the Maharashtra based coaching centre and Proxy candidates, racket is legality used proxy candidates to crack the exam for the candidates by taking 50 lakhs per applicant. This racket attempted to compromise NEET Exam on Sep 12. Finally, CBI registered a case against Mumbai based coaching centres. Giving further details to NDTV, the CBI sources said that a Maharashtra-based coaching centre RK Education Career Guidance, its Director Parimal Kotpalliwar and several students have been charged in the scam.
NEET 2021 cancellation is gaining momentum at many places. After the Tamil Nadu ban of the exam, Maharashtra Congress Chief has now asked for the exemption of state students from giving the NEET exam.
Also check: CUET NTA Admit card (OUT)
Also check: Latest NEET Exam News
Below we are going to share all major factors and analyses that may lead to taking NTA Decision to whether cancel the exam or not?
Name of Agency | NTA |
Exam Name | NEET Phase 1 |
NEET Exam date | 12, September 2021 (Sunday) |
NEET exam cancel or not? | No Re-REET (Phase 2 Registration begins) |
Answer Key release date | 25, September 2021 (tentative) |
Result release date | 10, October 2021 (Tentative) |
Phase 2 Registration | Click here |
NEET Exam Answer Key PDF | Click here |
Official website | |
visit our Homepage | |
NTA NEET Exam 2022 Cancelled or Not?
Here are some points that students have submitted a detail to National Test Agency, Kindly also share your views on whether NTA Need to Cancel the entrance exam or not:
Also check: Free Job Alert 2021
- Paper leak through WhatsApp, FB and various social media, the first leak reported at a centre in Rajasthan state and Many cheating cases also being reported, Students also demanding proper CBI investigation and re-exam
- All the Medical Aspirants also find it difficult to do preparation for NEET Exam 2021 because of sudden changes in exam pattern since 2016, NEET Exam conduct only once a year that’s why students also need more time to adapt themself for the new exam pattern
- Various State level TET, Govt Exam clashes or near with NEET Exam 2021 that lead to being so stressful time for every aspirant that they can’t do proper preparation and not get enough time to be ready for NEET 2021.
NEET 2022 will be cancelled or Not?
All the aspirant’s medical students who have been given National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test UG 2021 NEET Phase 1 Exam 2021 that was conducted on 12-9-2021 (Sunday) and on 1, October 2021 phase 2 registration begins and students can apply before 10, October 2021. Firstly declared NEET Answer key that is expected to out on September 25 (Postponed). The NTA is likely to announce NEET 2021 entrance exam result on October 10 (Expected). So NTA Begins phase 2 online registration that indicates that NTA not planning to cancel the Exam.
Almost 16 lakhs candidates appeared for neet 2021 exam and according to news, Notification and various factors, there is No chance that the exam will be re-conduct and be cancelled 12, Sep 2021 entrance test. Many states are pressurizing the NEET board to cancel the NEET exam so that the students of their state do not lag behind in this examination. Uttar Pradesh, MP, Goa, Gujarat and Haryana, and some other states have cancelled their 12th board exams after the Central government cancelled the CBSE 12th exam but finally, after so many wait NTA Released Phase 2 Registration so students can now focus on further selection phases
Here are new tie-breaker rules released by NTA to select students,
- If two candidates score the same marks, a tie-breaker formula will be used by NTA to calculate their marks. A candidate who has got higher marks in Biology will get preference in ranking.
- If the tie still exists, the marks of candidates in chemistry will get preference.
- If the tie still persists, the candidates with fewer incorrect answers in all papers will be ranked higher.
NEET Cancellation News FAQs
Is NEET Exam cancelled?
NTA Agency still has not confirmed any update regarding NEET Exam will be cancelled or not, but probably it is re-conduct again. You can check more news and analysis on this page
What is official website of NTA NEET 2021?
The official website of neet NTA is
Will neet 2021 be held again due to paper leak ?
Officially NTA Did not release any update regarding NEET UG 2021 Exam will postponed or not
Please don’t reconduct the exam.
There is no meaning in doing that. The changed pattern was noted two months prior to the exam. Or even earlier.
Please don’t re conduct the exam.It will affect the mental health of students as they prepared a lot.
Yes ,there are valid points to reconduct neet ug. As there should be justice with every hard-working students who studied day and night for neet. Also we need good and honest doctors in future , so don’t give chance to the cheaters to prove themselves correct .
Please re conduct NEET exam
I think u have gone mad …..One year pressure is not very big for u but for us it havoc…So don’t make such useless decision
Please don’t re -conduct the neet exam, it will affect many students’ mental health . It’s not only an exam ,but it’s a dream for neet aspirants. The students who have done well on 12th Sep. are mentally prepared for their dream to be fulfilled and reconducting the exam means to destroy their dreams
For merit student , even if NTA takes re exam , they will not worry, worry is only for the student who tries to malpractice by some means .
Good luck for brilliant student and bad luck for cheater student .
Please don’t re-conduct the exam ….as NTA has given the news of changing pattern before 2 months prior to exam ……and also it’s not an easy decision to re-conduct NEET examination by NTA just for some students prefer.
Neet is designed to accommodate these culprits only. It is high time it is cancelled and re-examination if any be conducted by some other trustworthy organisation!
Please don’t re-conduct the examination … it would affect students… giving stress again ……and also that paper can’t be called as leak ….as it was given 30 min earlier and not much before …….
Yes I agree, reconducting exam is not a solution…..It will only pressurize the students. Cheating is not a leaking n and that to be at small level…..Only those students who had not preformed well are demanding render…. It’s such a injustice.
Yes I agree, for some culprits why have to suffer the hard-working students? Please don’t reconduct

We need #reneet

Plz fastly choose 1thing reexam or not because this net is our life not a jock
Please do not re conduct the exam. If there was a scam the culprits may be punished, why other 15-16 lakh students to be punished by writing the exam again. These students will again have to go through mental stress and whats the guarantee such incidents wont occur again. The culprits may be punished and not the students. The exam pattern was informed well in advance. It is a profession which requires hardwork, dedication as it is the life of a person in the hands of a doctor. There surely must be a standard procedure , a single platform throughout the country to choose eligible students for such profession and NEET is the solution. Politics may be kept apart considering the future of our children. Already the exams are conducted late due to the pandemic, and re-exam would loose the year of the students. It is once again requested exams may not be cancelled rather the culprits have to be punished
Please re conduct the neet ug 2021 exam
Do not reconduct exam.
Due to some culprit people why should other get suffer?
Students are in stress since last 2 years.
It is not right to give stil more pressure in student mind.
It will disturb them psychologically.
What about those students who already appear and they have given paper with their best efforts and are not part of these culprit people?
They should also got rewards for their efforts they have already put.
Neet must be conducted more than one phase like JEE….there is much more stress on medical aspirants than non medicos due to more seats and much more opportunities.So,much Hard work and planning is needed in medical streams.Moreover medical courses and jobs deal with live humans and other organisms so much more real , ethical and truthfulness is needed than to deal with machines.So in future real study real paper and real results for the Prestigious Real Doctors……
Why so
This rat race is not ending soon
It will continue till each neet ug aspirant will not get into PG and then in neet ss
It’s better to synchronise the ratio of neet ug and PG
Increasing if seats and multiple phses will not do any betterment
Ek to reservation ne discrimination kr rkha h….or dusra ye scam, paper leak…to jo bcha god gifted nhi h pr hard worker h vo sbse jyada effect hue h….paper ka pattern bhi change krdia.
Please re neet exam due to paper leak.
देश मे नीट की बडी परीक्षा थी। इसका पेपर आउट हो गया सरकार काया कर रही थी। पहले तो सरकार इन ससथाओ को मान्यता देदी आज वो ही सिरदर्द बन रहे है ये ससथाए बडे बडे धनं सेठो की है ये ही लोग पेपर आउट करवाते है।उन पर कारवाही होनी चाहिये।
Kindly dont reconduct. That would be meaningless exercise
For merit student , even if NTA takes re exam , they will not worry, worry is only for the student who tries to malpractice by some means .
Good luck for brilliant student and bad luck for cheater student .
Plz Recount the neet exam
Reconduct the exam
As got less time for preparation and the changes in paper pattern made us feel like hell
Please reconduct the neet exam 2021
It is not necessary at all to reconduct NEET Exam which will bring much stress in the mind of the hard working students. Moreover the so called questions leak was made after the students ate locked in the Exam hall.So only for few culprits why all students will suffer and the whole year long exercise will go in vain. Rather all culprits should be traced out and punished by law in a exemplary manner.
Yes that’s not fair
Hard working students are really frustrated ..
This should not be an option at any cost
Students who are crearing havoc will create in future too..
It’s better for them to sit and study for neet phase 2 exam..
Why to scream when there is 2 phases of same exam in a single year.
Only the undeserving and not so studying candidates make such things to create mess..
Please cancel the neet UG 2021exam.
कृपया नीट परीक्षा पुन्हा घेऊ नये अगोदरच विद्यार्थी अभ्यास करून खूप कंटाळून गेले आहेत पुन्हा परीक्षा घेतली तर खूप निराश होतील
Pl reconduct the exam
Exam should be reconduct must and should.becoz many students are suffering from this.not only due to paper leak, in some centers paper was delayed 25 minutes…that 25 minutes are very precious to us ..stress, pressure these are secondary.. everyone hard worked for this exam..exam who written very well again if nta conducts y din’t they write exam again?? there are many factors every student are facing their own people can’t say don’t reconduct or reneet …let’s hope for the best…
Must retake neet exam
We don’t want to reconduct exam
Yes, we need to re conduct the exam…. It’s not justify for those who prepare and hard work students…
If the NEET 2021 is actually leaked out questions and impersonate at different places, the exam may be considered to re-exam by NTA since it is uncertain to say or predict that how many candidates were involved in the matter. The exam is to be 100% fair. Once the exam is leaked, it should be re-exam ed
Please cancel the neet exam
I strongly support Cancellation of NEET 2021 and Support to Re-Exam
Many exam centres issue and collect the question paper non-adherence schedule. 180 questions 180 mins and 200 questions less than 180 mins was injustice
Please conduct NEET EXAM one more time .. because jee mains exam conducted 4 Times. That’s the reason..ok