NTA NEET 2022 Entrance Exam will be cancelled or not? Big Update


NTA NEET 2022 Entrance Exam will be cancelled or not? As many students are continuously searching for the latest news or update regarding NEET Exam re-conduct or not by a National testing agency. The Exam was officially conducted on 12, September 2021 around 202 cities across the country. Here we provide all information that you want to know and we do a complete analysis and share all major factors due to which maximum youth of India want NTA to re-conduct neet exam.

NEET 2022 Cancelled Latest news

NEET Cancellation or not, Latest NEET News, NEET Re-exam 2022 updates, NEET Phase 1 Exam

The aspirants of neet exam send a petition to the supreme code regarding the cancellation of the neet exam and mentioned many major factors like a paper leak, other exam crashes, change in exam pattern and many things that may be a possible reason that NTA Will Re-conduct NEET Exam and release new Exam date officially. All the students demanding to re-exam of neet 2021-2022.

Also check: NEET UG Answer Key (Postponed)

NEET UG Result, cut off out

On 4, October 2021: Supreme Court Dismisses Plea To Cancel NEET-UG 2021 Over Alleged Malpractices; Says “Lakhs Of Students Can’t Be Made To Suffer”.

On 1, October 2021 NTA Begins NEET Phase 2 Regsitration (Apply Now)

On Wednesday, A plea has been filed in the Supreme Court of India seeking cancellation of NEET UG 2021 examination conducted on September 12, 2021, and directions for conducting a fresh medical entrance examination.

On Monday: SC (Supreme court) slams Centre for ‘treating young doctors as football’ over last-minute syllabus changes

Students Demand #FairNeet Over Social Media

*Today A man from Nagpur has been arrested by the CBI and mentioned as the main accused in the NEET Scam case.


CBI sources said: Major scam in NEET Medical Exam, CBI Alerts big racket in the NEET Examination and booked the Maharashtra based coaching centre and Proxy candidates, racket is legality used proxy candidates to crack the exam for the candidates by taking 50 lakhs per applicant. This racket attempted to compromise NEET Exam on Sep 12. Finally, CBI registered a case against Mumbai based coaching centres. Giving further details to NDTV, the CBI sources said that a Maharashtra-based coaching centre RK Education Career Guidance, its Director Parimal Kotpalliwar and several students have been charged in the scam.

NEET 2021 cancellation is gaining momentum at many places. After the Tamil Nadu ban of the exam, Maharashtra Congress Chief has now asked for the exemption of state students from giving the NEET exam.

Also check: CUET NTA Admit card (OUT)

Also check: Latest NEET Exam News

Below we are going to share all major factors and analyses that may lead to taking NTA Decision to whether cancel the exam or not?

Name of Agency NTA
Exam Name NEET Phase 1
NEET Exam date 12, September 2021 (Sunday)
NEET exam cancel or not? No Re-REET (Phase 2 Registration begins)
Answer Key release date 25, September 2021 (tentative)
Result release date 10, October 2021 (Tentative)
Phase 2 Registration Click here
NEET Exam Answer Key PDF Click here
Official website ntaneet.nic.in
visit our Homepage uppolice.org

NTA NEET Exam 2022 Cancelled or Not?

Here are some points that students have submitted a detail to National Test Agency, Kindly also share your views on whether NTA Need to Cancel the entrance exam or not:

Also check: Free Job Alert 2021

  • Paper leak through WhatsApp, FB and various social media, the first leak reported at a centre in Rajasthan state and Many cheating cases also being reported, Students also demanding proper CBI investigation and re-exam
  • All the Medical Aspirants also find it difficult to do preparation for NEET Exam 2021 because of sudden changes in exam pattern since 2016, NEET Exam conduct only once a year that’s why students also need more time to adapt themself for the new exam pattern
  • Various State level TET, Govt Exam clashes or near with NEET Exam 2021 that lead to being so stressful time for every aspirant that they can’t do proper preparation and not get enough time to be ready for NEET 2021.

NEET 2022 will be cancelled or Not?

All the aspirant’s medical students who have been given National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test UG 2021 NEET Phase 1 Exam 2021 that was conducted on 12-9-2021 (Sunday) and on 1, October 2021 phase 2 registration begins and students can apply before 10, October 2021. Firstly declared NEET Answer key that is expected to out on September 25 (Postponed). The NTA is likely to announce NEET 2021 entrance exam result on October 10 (Expected). So NTA Begins phase 2 online registration that indicates that NTA not planning to cancel the Exam.

Almost 16 lakhs candidates appeared for neet 2021 exam and according to news, Notification and various factors, there is No chance that the exam will be re-conduct and be cancelled 12, Sep 2021 entrance test.  Many states are pressurizing the NEET board to cancel the NEET exam so that the students of their state do not lag behind in this examination. Uttar Pradesh, MP, Goa, Gujarat and Haryana, and some other states have cancelled their 12th board exams after the Central government cancelled the CBSE 12th exam but finally, after so many wait NTA Released Phase 2 Registration so students can now focus on further selection phases

Here are new tie-breaker rules released by NTA to select students,

  • If two candidates score the same marks, a tie-breaker formula will be used by NTA to calculate their marks. A candidate who has got higher marks in Biology will get preference in ranking.
  • If the tie still exists, the marks of candidates in chemistry will get preference.
  • If the tie still persists, the candidates with fewer incorrect answers in all papers will be ranked higher.

NEET Cancellation News FAQs

Is NEET Exam cancelled?

NTA Agency still has not confirmed any update regarding NEET Exam will be cancelled or not, but probably it is re-conduct again. You can check more news and analysis on this page

What is official website of NTA NEET 2021?

The official website of neet NTA is neet.nta.nic.in.

Will neet 2021 be held again due to paper leak ?

Officially NTA Did not release any update regarding NEET UG 2021 Exam will postponed or not



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264 Replies to “NTA NEET 2022 Entrance Exam will be cancelled or not? Big Update”

  1. please reconduct the exam In many centres the exam time was not correctly followed by the invigilators this made the students to leave many of the questions due to lack of time

  2. No Re-exam please>

    Conducting re-exam is not the right solution for the issues raised . Issues to be addressed independently without disturbing the total students .

  3. Invigilators also r not proper.not giving a time to students.big headache .rudely behaving towards students.and I strongly oppose this exam.plenty of students they could not attend to the exam due to of carona and other problems.in this situation one and half year time students have lost.

  4. To reconduct NEET exam is not solution…..they should give admission in MBBS college on the basis of PCB grouping of HSC board results…… justice should be done this 2021 batch.

  5. Please reconduct the exam because of many illegal students leaked the question paper and the spreading is yet unknown through our country.

    • No reexam plzz..We r already stressed out..I don’t understand who r the students demanding re exam..Did they not study for 12sept and now making a fuss so that they can get another chance..As a dropper I already wasted 3 yrs now Again this news..I finally want to enter the medical Clg and don’t want to give Neet whole life..
      One who cheated let them be punished..Why we have to suffer..Why these news channel all the post same thing Neet cancelled , reexam n all.. waiting for Nta to announce the results..One who prepared for the exam they’ll surely get Clg..one who wish they need to go n study for 2022 rather than signing such petitions..

    • Sir it’s not fair
      Because of few people,do everyone should suffer
      And we are long term students
      We don’t want to take other chance
      It’s already late for us

  6. It is not officially confirmed news of paper leakage , issues created of many people bec paper was not easy …parents are trying to save their child for creating certain allegations which is not allowing if any case …again exam will creat huge chaos and depression to children so pls don’t do unreliable things

  7. No re-exam please.Re-examination will be an injustice for those innocent students who have appeared in the exam with full zeal and honesty and have stopped their study since 11.09.2021 and have shifted bag and baggage from their study – place to their homes at far. Many poor-students will not re-manage and recoup their study.Please save these students’ life by declaring the results of exam as held on 12.09.2021. Punish the culprits hard instead re-examination isn’t the solution.

    • Well said. They are not the genuine neet students those who are demanding re-exam.They want to spoil the year as well as the carrier of the honest and actual wood be doctors.There should be no re-exam now .There are few students who always fight on social media for postponing or re examining for all the competition exams. .Genuine honest well prepared students never come on social media. They do not have time to do such type of activities.Yes you demand to punish the culprits but do not demand to spoil the carrier of innocent children by demanding re-exam. Re-examination is not the solution .Children are waiting for the NTA official Neet 2021 Key.All the best for all the actual honest neet appeared children.

    • तो क्या उन लोगो के साथ अन्याय नहीं होगा जिनका पेपर हिंदी के बजाय इंग्लिश में आ गया
      इसका जिम्मेदार आप होंगे क्या?
      दूसरी बात क्या सभी लोगो को पकड़ लिया गया है जिनको नही पकड़ा गया है ओ तो मजे करेंगे क्या कहते हो

  8. Dont re-conduct the examination please understand the students situation
    If it is re-conduct so please its not compulsory for everyone .those who are interested to give this exam please conduct for them.

  9. No Re-Exam Now . They are not the genuine neet students those who are demanding re-exam.They want to spoil the year as well as the carrier of the honest and actual wood be doctors.There should be no re-exam now .There are few students who always fight on social media for postponing or re examining for all the competition exams. .Genuine honest well prepared students never come on social media. They do not have time to do such type of activities.Yes you demand to punish the culprits but do not demand to spoil the carrier of innocent children by demanding re-exam. Re-examination is not the solution .Children are waiting for the NTA official Neet 2021 Key.All the best for all the actual honest neet appeared children.

  10. नीट दोबारा होना चाहिए क्योंकि कुछ बच्चों के प्रश्न प्रत्र हिन्दी के बजाय English में आया अब उनका क्या होगा उसका जिम्मेदार कौन होगा ?
    दूसरी बात ये है कि केवल कुछ ही लोगो का पता चल पाया है जो इसमें सामिल थे क्योंकि नीट जैसे बड़े प्रवेश परीक्षा के पेपर आउट कराने में केवल एक टीम का हाथ नही हो सकता है
    ये मेहनत करने वाले बच्चों के साथ खिलवाड़ हो रहा है
    हमे ये नही समझ आ रहा है कि पेपर आउट कराने का श्रेय किसको जाना चाहिए….?

  11. No re-neet please as students
    Prepared long for exam and face a lot of
    Problem regarding locks down and so many
    Issue please justice for those sincere students 🙏

  12. If it is proved that neet entrance paper has been leaked it will be better to reconduct the exam . Otherwise it won’t be justified.

  13. Sir, after long strenous efforts by merit students they appeared in neet exam on 12th Sept. Thereafter they have diverted their mind from study. The failing or incompetent students are demanding cancellation or reconducting of neet. If re exam done higher marks from the 1st phase or 2nd phase be taken into account for selection. The culprits should be hard punished. So no re exam.

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